Using Neighborhood Data to Help Sell Your Home

Your neighborhood has a lot of features that can help sell your home
faster. Unfortunately, buyers don't usually notice those features just by
driving around. So, you need to make sure they get all the information they
need about your neighborhood.
For example, say homes don't go on the market often in your area. That's
an indication that the quality of life in the neighborhood is so good that no
one wants to leave! In real estate we measure
e the area's turnover rate,
and it's handy data to have when listing your home.
Another bit of data that buyers can't simply see is the local crime rate. But,
most police departments keep those statistics. If your neighborhood has a
low crime rate, that's an obvious plus to sellers.
Demographic data can also be helpful when selling your property. If your
neighborhood has a lot of families, for example, that's going to be
appealing to buyers with kids.
Even local development plans can play a role in
making your home more
attractive to buyers. If a new ramp to a major highway is in the works
nearby, getting to work is going to be easier. That's a big benefit to
Other types of data that can help sell your home include:
Planned local construction.
Proposals for neighborhood improvements. (For example, a new
Rates at which local property values are increasing.
Any information that shows the advantages of living in your area is going to
be useful when selling.
By the way, this is the kind of information I put together to provide to
prospective buyers when selling your home. Contact me today.

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