No Homes for Sale in the Area You Like? Here’s What to Do…

No Homes for Sale in the Area You Like? Here’s What to Do...


Imagine there’s a neighborhood you’d love to live in someday, but, every time you drive through, you rarely, if ever, see a For Sale sign. It’s as if homes get gobbled up by buyers the moment they get listed.


It’s true, properties do tend to sell quickly in desirable, in-demand neighborhoods. Does that mean you’re destined to either hope for a lucky break or miss out on ever living there?


Fortunately, no. There are practical things you can do to increase your chances of getting into that neighborhood.


Your first step is to find out the kind of new home you can afford. You want to get your financial ducks in a row so when a listing does come up in the area, you’re able to respond quickly. Find out the average price range of homes in the neighborhood. Then, if necessary, talk to your lender or mortgage broker.


The second step is to get your current property ready for sale. You don’t necessary need to list it now, but you want to be in a position to do so quickly, if necessary. You may need to clean up and declutter, get repairs done, and spruce up your home in other ways.


The third step is to talk to me.


You see, listings in popular neighborhoods often move fast. By the time you see them advertised on the internet, they may be gone. I can closely monitor listings in that area for you, so the moment one comes up that meets your criteria, you can be alerted. This greatly increases your chances of getting that home.


So if there is a dream neighborhood you’d love to get into, give me a call.

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