- air conditioning - a/c
- apartment - apt
- appliances - appls
- bachelor - bach
- balcony - balc
- basement - bsmt
- bathroom - ba, bath, bth, bthrm
- bedroom - br, bed, bdrm
- building - bldg
- bungalow - bung
- cathedral ceiling - cath ceil
- central air conditioning - c/a
- central vacuum - cvac, c/vac, central vac
- condominium - condo
- detached - det
- double - dbl
- exposure - exp
- exterior - ext
- family room - fam rm
- fenced - fncd
- finished basement - fin bsmt
- fireplace - fpl
- floor - fl
- garage - gar
- hardwood floors - hrdwd flrs
- included - incl
- kitchen - kit, kitch
- large - lrg, lge
- luxury - lux
- parking - prkg
- penthouse - ph
- piece - pc
- private - priv
- renovated - reno, reno'd
- room - rm
- separate entrance - sep entr
- solarium - sol
- spacious - spac
- storey - stry
- subdivision - subdiv
- suite - st, ste
- townhouse - twnhse
- wall to wall - w/w
- washer/dryer - w/d
- w/o - walkout (generally refers to basement)
- workshop - wkshp
- yard - yd, yrd