No Homes for Sale in the Area You Like? Here’s What to Do…

No Homes for Sale in the Area You Like? Here’s What to Do...   Imagine there’s a neighborhood you’d love to live in someday, but, every time you drive through, you rarely, if ever, see a For Sale sign. It’s as if homes get gobbled up by buyers the moment they get listed.   It’s…
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Handling a New Home Problem on Moving Day

Imagine buying a product from a store, taking it home, and then discovering there’s a problem with it. Disappointing, yes, but not a catastrophe. You can simply take it back for repair or exchange.   But, what if it’s moving day, and you discover there’s a problem with your new home? Whoa. A house isn’t…
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Buying Your Dream Home in a Hot Market

Buying Your Dream Home in a Hot Market   Imagine finding the perfect home, only to discover there is serious interest from at least a dozen other buyers. It’s like scrambling for the last piece of cake at a buffet!   Fortunately, there are things you can do to help get the home you want,…
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Important Things to “Fix Up” before Selling

When you’re preparing your home for sale, it’s not unusual to need to fix up a few things around the property. After all, you want your home to look its best to buyers, so that you get good offers, quickly.   What do you need to fix? Here are three categories that will help you…
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